Everything HTML5 but the kitchen sink

Pattern theorists have suggested Steve Faulkner will be hosting this show, but this is not the case. In fact, it’s Lachlan and I, Anne, again. With Marcos adding our awesome music.

HTML5 has recently been published again by the W3C and this podcast introduces the new features and some of the old. data-* attributes, ruby annotations (not programming), global tabindex attribute, et cetera.

Documents that published by the W3C are HTML5, HTML 5 differences from HTML 4, and HTML 5 Publication Notes.


Welcome to our two part discussion on ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) and HTML5.

During XTech2008, Anne and I had a chance to sit down and talk about the current state of the “ARIA in HTML5” debate. Anne gives an overview of ARIA and the controversy over naming of ARIA attributes and makes some suggestions as to how the community can move forward.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Next week, Anne sits down with Lachlan Hunt, editor of the W3C’s Selectors API specification, to chat about implementations, open issues, and where that spec is headed.

(We will try to make the original video files available in due course. Flash sucks too, but it’s our best bet currently.)